30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (2024)

If you grew up on this lovely green and blue planet that we call Earth, chances are that you’ve seen at least once Disney Princess movie at some point in your lifetime. Be that of your own will or because a sibling, parent, cousin, or babysitter, forced you to do so while you were under their care. These classic films shaped our childhoods, our beliefs, and the people that we grew up to be.

It is my belief that each and every person's favorite Disney Princess says something about who that person is and what they think of themselves. If you love Pocahontas, I would assume that you stand up for your beliefs no matter what. If Ariel was more your speed, I would say that you were a person who loves everything with your entire heart and is one with your inner child. And if you’re like me and cannot decide who your favorite Disney Princess is, then you are most likely prone to an identity crisis every two or so weeks.

But I digress. The greatest thing about being part of a fandom as big as the Disney fandom is the fact that there is never any end to the fan content that is produced. Just a casual Google search can bring about dozens of fictions, cosplays, and comics. Disney princess comics are one of the greatest things about the Disney fandom and I thought I would share this wonderful fan creation with you, all of my readers. So, without further ado, here are 30 Disney Princess comics that ushered in a whole new world of comedy.

30 Finally, Some Answers

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (1)

Finally, Ariel gets the answers that she has been waiting for her entire life. Sometimes I like to imagine what Ariel and Eric’s marriage was like. I’d like to think that he spent the first few weeks answering an utter tsunami of questions about every single aspect of human culture, history, and society. I wonder if that ever wore thin on him or if the wonder that colored her eyes after every word made him fall deeper in love with her. I think that learning experience could have been such a beautiful bonding experience between them.

And, being a prince, Eric could afford to take Ariel across the world and show her all of the things he was teaching her about first hand.

Though I loved both the sequel and the prequel to The Little Mermaid I would empty my wallet once again in order to watch them explore and study the world together.

Comic by: Amy Mebberson.

29 The Perils Of Owning Cats

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (2)

When I was ten years old, my mother bought her first laptop and it was all we could do to keep our cat, Big Daddy, off of the thing. His favorite place in the entire house was on that keyboard. And he did not like to be moved. At all. It was a nightmare to try and get stuff done but he was so cute that you just could not stay mad at him.And what is a tiger if not a big cat?

It sure is a lucky thing that Jasmine lived in a time without laptops because I simply cannot imagine the damage that a zillion tonne tiger could do while rolling around on a MacBook. While technology has come a long way in terms of durability, I just don’t think that many things can survive tiger cuddle time.

Comic by: Adam Ellis.

28 Maybe A Beard Would Help

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (3)

One of the greatest moments from the 2017 live action Beauty and The Beast remake is when Adam asks Belle how she feels about his human figure and Emma Watson’s reaction is to grimace and ask if he could grow a beard for her. I nearly wet myself in that theatre, though that may have had more to do with the large drink I bought rather than the hilarity of that moment. Hey, those IMAX tickets were so expensive that there was no way I was leaving my seat until the film had ended. Imagine falling in love with a beautiful goat/buffalo beast man and then having him turn into Adam, the hairless wonder. I don’t blame you, Belle, I’d be a little disappointed too.

Comic by: Alex Norris.

27 This Is Why We Never Lie

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (4)

There are a lot of things that I never understood about the Disney film Sleeping Beauty. First off, why did they hide her away for sixteen years and then bring her back to the castle on the only night in which she was actually in danger? Also, why were the faeries so strict about not using a drop of magic for years and years and then they throw caution to the wind and have a wand battle so epic that you would be a fool not to notice the magic dust pumping out of the chimney.

And the worst part is that they had this magic battle, once again, on the only day in which Aurora was actually in danger.

Why put so much effort into keeping her safe if you’re going to throw her to the wolves on the only day where there would be wolves waiting for her?

Comic by: Amy Mebberson.

26 The Honeymoon Is Over

Though this comic is hilarious and I do have to admit that the Disney relationship timeline is incredibly accelerated, I feel like Eric and Ariel wouldn’t struggle with communication as much as one would think. I mean, it would take a while for Eric and Ariel to get accustomed to each other's wealth of knowledge as their experiences are so different. And it’s not like Ariel is at the bigger disadvantage. I mean, she has a lifetime full of experiences that Eric will be just as clueless about as she would be about what he considers normal. But I think once they figured out where their knowledge overlaps and where it doesn’t, I think that they would be able to bridge that knowledge gap and become one of the closest couples out there. Hey man, true love is a powerful thing.

Comic by CollegeHumor.

25 Princess Dirty Diaper

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (6)

I have to be honest, I am not a fan of Snow White. And you have no idea how annoying it is to have everyone you ever meet liken your pale skin and black hair to Snow White when you cannot stand the girl. I just think that she did not treat those dwarves fairly.

They gave her a place to stay while the evil queen was hunting her down (an action that put them all in danger) and what did she do to repay them?

She refused to let them eat after a long and hard day at the mines before they met her standard of cleanliness. First off, mine grime is really hard to get off. Second, it’s not your house so you have no authority here, Snow. And third, it’s not your house so you have no authority here. I know my second and third points are the same but I think that it is a point that needs repeating.

Comic by CollegeHumor.

24 It's NotA Phase

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (7)

Triton made the biggest mistake of his life when he forbade Ariel from seeing Eric. Everyone knows that telling your daughter that she cannot see the person that she likes will make them all the more attractive to her. What was a casual crush or minor attraction will suddenly become a star-crossed love that would rival that of Romeo and Juliet’s in their mind. By banning your daughter from the object of their affection, you have just increased that objects value tenfold. Now, along with the rush that comes with a girls first love, they will also get the thrill that comes with doing something that they know that their parents disapprove of. Bad move, King Triton, bad move. By forbidding her from seeing Eric, hefiguratively threw her into the sea witch's arms.

Comic by CollegeHumor.

23 The Greatest Pun Of All Time

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (8)

My love for puns outweighs my dislike of Snow White in the case of this comic. And this is a wonderful comic. It makes a beautiful pun without presenting a cynical version of a classic tale or turning a children's story into something creepy or dirty. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I enjoy critically analyzing media but sometimes it just gets exhausting. Seeing endless hot takes online about how these classic Disney tales that we hold so near and dear to our hearts that are actually about allowing men to run your life or abandoning your dreams for boys gets old so fast.

Especially when one considers that literally none of the Disney Princess stories bandy about that moral.

I don’t know, maybe it’s my rose colored glasses, but I just don’t get the need for that sort of jaded cynicism. And though there are things that I don't like, I believe that everyone should get the chance to enjoy it whether it's for me or not.

Comic by Adam Ellis.

22 I Hate The Outernet

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (9)

I grew up in the middle of nowhere in a small town in Northern Canada. In the summer, I would always look out my window and see the hot glorious sun and the cloudless blue skies and wonder why I was wasting the day inside. I would gather a beach towel and whichever book I was currently reading, and venture out into the yard surrounding my parents home. For the first ten or so minutes, reading outside was an absolute dream. However, things quickly turned into an absolute nightmare.

Whether I chose to read in my favorite tree, in the hammock, or simply splayed out on the lawn, the bugs would swarm, the dogs would do whatever they could to be a part of what I was doing, and the sun would burn my milky white flesh as if it had a magnifying glass focused directly on me. With a sunburn, a dozen bug bites, and a sour disposition, I would return to my room to read in peace.

Comic by CollegeHumor.

21 The Worst Villain Of All: Roommates

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (10)

When I got into university, I decided to live off campus with roommates rather than in the dorms. One of my roommates became my best friend and future husband and the other one made me never want to live with another person (other than my significant other) ever again for as long as I live.This person would eat all of the food in the house in one sitting and never offer to reimburse us for any of it.

He would leave laundry in the machines for days, food in his room, and took four days to do one sink of dishes. Once, for his birthday, I spent hours making him both the cake and the dinner that he requested and he repaid me by sneaking out of the house while I went to retrieve something from my bedroom in order to go to the theatre without me. Roommates: never again. Cinderella, I feel your pain.

Comic by CollegeHumor.

20 But Who Sang It First?

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (11)

Now, this is a classic tale of the “chicken vs the egg.” The question, in this case, is who sang their respective “mean song” first? Did Belle stroll through town, singing about how menial the lives of the peasants are, without provocation? Or did the townspeople perform that choreographed “Belle is a weirdo” ballad as she walked through town the day after her and her father appeared, causing her to write her own mean song as a bit of a retort?

Which song was a reaction and which song was the original insult?

In the live action remake, the film makes it very clear that the townspeople want to run Belle out of town for daring to read. So I think that, in that version, it was the townspeople who wrote the first mean song. However, in the original version of the film, it truly is unclear who judged who first.

Comic by Adam Ellis.

19 The True Happily Ever After

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (12)

Sometimes happily ever after isn’t made up of grand gestures and epic declarations of love. You don’t need to vanquish enemies or defeat hordes of villains that are determined to keep you apart. You don’t need to leap in front of a blade for your love or prove that you would rather perish than to see them come to any harm. Sometimes, happily ever after is simply finding someone that you aren’t afraid to cry in front of. It’s finding that one person that you know will love you, even on your worst day, and that is not afraid to call you out when you’re acting like someone or something that you’re not. It’s someone who would never call you a bad name, even in the middle of a fight, because they could never stand to see your face fall. And it’s someone that you can sleep next to with ease because you know that the safest place in the entire world is by their side.

Comic by CollegeHumor.

18 Everyone HasA Hans

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (13)

Look, we all make mistakes when it comes to love. When I was twelve years old, I was completely convinced that I was going to marry this boy who I had known for three years and the fact thatit would most likely never happen simply crushed me. When I was fifteen, I fell head over heels in love with this girl who saw me as nothing more than a close friend and I filled the pages of my journal with poems dedicated to her for years afterward. I thought she was the one that got away and that I would regret never making a move for the rest of my life.

But we grew up. I met someone who changed my life, she moved away and had a child, and we both grew up. Like Anna, we are all wrong about love at one time or another and that’s okay. In fact, it’s kind of expected.

Comic by CollegeHumor.

17 It's Only Five Letters

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (14)

I’m not sure that writing out her name would have actually helped her in the slightest. I mean, knowing her name isn’t going to clear anything up between them, is it? It’s not like she told him her name when she saved him on the beach that day.

Therefore, knowing it wouldn’t help either party because Eric is supposed to fall in love with her so that they can share true love's kiss.

I mean, if she could write out “Hey, it’s me. My name is Ariel, though that doesn’t really matter, and I am that girl that sang to you after she saved you a few days ago on this very beach. Would you be so kind as to fall in a deep and true love with me and share true loves kiss with me the moment you finish reading this? As I am on a bit of a time crunch.” But no one knows if she was that literate.

Comic by Adam Ellis.

16 Where's Rapunzel?!

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (15)

How in the heck did the entire kingdom of Corona just accept the fact that their princess just disappeared? I guarantee that there were a couple of conspiracy theorists within that kingdom that had extensive and elaborate theories on what exactly happenedto the lost princess. If Disney movies had YouTube channels I can guarantee that there would have been several big conspiracy and unsolved mystery channels entirely dedicated to the whereabouts of the lost princess.

I have to hand it to the king and queen of Corona because it seems like the majority of their people are quite calm about the fact that a member of the royal family was snatched from their crib. I think that the people's calm demeanor is a direct reflection of the calm demeanor of the royal family.

Comic by CollegeHumor.

15 With Strict Parents Comes Too Much Responsibility

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (16)

It’s always fun to imagine what characters would be like in the real world (especially if those stories take place in the distant past or in fantastical worlds). How would their personalities translate into the modern world? I think Merida, Mulan, and Pocahontas, would be socially conscious activists that would eagerly participate in every march, protest, and hashtag, that came their way.

Rapunzel and Alice would be hanging out in the art room, swapping fan fictions and fan art from their favorite films and television shows.

I could really see them getting into lively but friendly debates about different aspects of their favorite series. And Cinderella would be the kind floater that everyone loved but no one really knew because her strict parents kept her from ever being able to engage with anyone outside of school hours.

Comic by CollegeHumor.

14 The Spell Every Parent Wants

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (17)

Now, I do not have kids of my own nor did I have permanent siblings growing up (I had two step-brothers for two years but I shall save that story for another time), so I never spent a lengthy amount of time around babies or toddlers at all. However, I have been playing Sims for over ten years and, during that time, I have had millions of digital children. So I’d like to think I know a little bit about child rearing.

Those babies just never sleep when you want them to and then, when they wake up, they are suddenly starving and need to be fed immediately. Luckily, you can cheat code digital babies so that they sleep for much longer than they normally would. However, from what I’ve been told, I don’t think you can cheat code real babies.

13 It's Never Too Late

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (18)

I am of two minds about the idea of the ticking clock that is life. Part of me thinks that there is no such thing as “too late.” If you discover your true calling, love, self, or path in life, then you should pursue it. No matter what age you are. The only time it is truly “too late” to pursue your passions is once your life has ended.

However, I also believe that if you know what you want, you should go after it with everything you have because life is short.

Why waste time doing something you hate or being with someone you know that you are not supposed to be with when you know exactly what you were meant for? Maybe those two ideas are related after all. Maybe the true moral is to go after something that you know will change your life for the better the moment that you realize you crave that change.

Comic by CollegeHumor.

12 What Do You Call 'Em? Oh, Legs!

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (19)

One of the best moments from the original Little Mermaid film is when Ariel is watching the humans aboard their ship and just reveling in their humanity. She wants everything they have. From their bipedal bodies to their ability to live on land for lengthy periods of time without the risk of danger, Ariel wants it all. I honestly think that the song “Part of Your World” is one of the saddest songs out of all of the Disney songs ever created. It’s just so heartbreaking to see this poor girl go on how badly she wants to be a part of something that she physically cannot ever fully participate in. If magic had never taken a part in her story, she would have never been able to walk on the beach alongside Eric.

Comic by Jeremy Kaye.

11 A Section He Rarely Visits

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (20)

Though the straight to video cassette sequel to the film Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite films, Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas opens up more questions than it answers. The original film makes it seem like Belle and the Beast's run-in with the wolves was the moment that truly ended the animosity between them and sparked something more, the sequel seems to show that the destruction of the castle at the hands of that villainous piano was what brought them together in the end.

This also brings up a question about how long Belle was a prisoner at that castle.

Though it is always winter at the castle while the curse is in place, it is clearly summer when the first movie starts. However, the second film takes place around Christmas and clearly depicts Belle and the Beast as enemies for a majority of the film. Where does the sequel occur within the plot of the original film?

Comic by Amy Mebberson.

30 Hilarious Disney Princess Comics Only True Fans Will Understand (2024)
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